Marketing, Events and Project Coordinator (Full-Time) - OACAO

Marketing, Events and Project Coordinator (Full-Time)

Type: Full Time Position

Location: Caledon East

Organization: Older Adult Centres' Association of Ontario (OACAO)

Posted On: 03/20/2025

Application Deadline: 04/11/2025

Additional Information: Job Listing PDF

How to Apply: email

Position Overview:
The OACAO is looking for a full-time Marketing, Events and Project Coordinator who oversees the Seniors Active Living Fairs project, including project coordination, approvals, communication, and reporting. They supervise the Fairs Assistant, lead the coordination and delivery of the OACAO Capacity Building Webinars and OACAO Business Partnership program. Responsibilities also include supporting the planning and promotion of the OACAO Aging Well Conference and Trade Show, managing OACAO marketing initiatives, social media, and communications, maintaining the OACAO website, and collaborating with staff, board members, and community partners to advance OACAO’s strategic priorities.

Salary Range: $53,000 – $58,250 annually (based on experience, education & skills), plus benefits

Hours per week: 35 hours per week, Monday to Friday, flexible work schedule (May be required to work occasional evenings or weekends)

Work location (Hybrid): Home Office with occasional in-person meetings at the OACAO Office in Caledon or another agreed-upon location. Attend Seniors Active Living Fairs across Ontario and occasional community events, conferences, and/or meetings in Ontario.

Reporting to: OACAO Executive Director

Closing date for applicants: Rolling deadline until the position is filled

Application Process: Interested individuals should forward their resume via email to Sue Hesjedahl, Executive Director, at Please quote “Marketing, Events and Project Coordinator” in the subject line. We would like to thank all applicants; only those invited to interviews will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

To apply for this position, please do so in the manner specified in this job posting. Questions? Contact Us